Oocyte Pick-up (OPU)

Oocyte Pick-up (OPU), also known as follicle aspiration, is scheduled to take place about 35 hours after the hCG is administered. By this time, the eggs have separated and are floating in their follicles. A needle is passed through the upper vaginal wall, and with the aid of vaginal ultrasound, fluid is removed from the follicles under gentle suction. This fluid is then quickly transported to the laboratory, where egg cells are put in specific solutions for preservation.

During the retrieval, an anesthesiologist will administer light anesthesia (conscious sedation) through an intravenous drip (IV). The procedure generally lasts from 10 to 15 minutes and the patient can go home after a short rest of 1-2 hours at the clinic.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

After the eggs taken into the laboratory are "washed" in specific solutions, they are classified according to their maturity levels. The ones that are mature enough are used in micro-injections where sperm cells are injected into the eggs. These cells are then put in incubators with special solutions. During the micro-injection process, very precise microscopes and devices that are capable of movement in micro level are used.

12-18 hours after the micro-injection, the eggs are taken into new solutions following fertilization checks. At this stage, it is expected to have a fertilization rate of at least 80%. The fertilized cells are then kept in the laboratory for 2 to 5 days, depending on the patient.

The laboratory is the most important part of an IVF clinic. The range and quality of the devices in the laboratory have a directly proportional effect on the success of the treatment. In our clinic, all procedures are done using state-of-the-art technology

Embryo Transfer (ET)

After 2-5 days following OPU, ET is performed for each patient following a certain schedule. Before this procedure, the couple is informed about fertilization, embryo development, and the procedure itself. By providing pictures of the embryos, the doctor decides together with the patient about the number of ETs to be performed.

During the ET procedure, it is necessary to have a nearly full bladder because this enables a better viewing of the uterus with the ultrasound. ET is a painless procedure that is performed in an operation room. Embryos selected with a microscope in the laboratory are put in a very thin and soft catheter. This catheter is then used to place the embryos in the mother's womb through the vaginal opening.

This procedure is the simplest yet the most important part of the treatment. After the ET, the patient can get up instantly and go on with her normal routine.